Local Pension Board

Meeting Announcements, Agenda and Minutes

Meeting Scheduled: Local Pension Board Meeting: December 18, 2024, at 10:30 A.M. in classroom of Buckskin Fire Department, 8500 Riverside Dr, Parker, AZ.

02.27.20 Agenda Pension Board
06.02.20 Agenda Pension Board
06.23.20 Agenda Pension Board
06.23.20 Approved Minutes

09.22.20 Agenda Pension Board

10.27.21 Agenda Pension Board
10.27.21 Approved Minutes

05.03.22 Agenda Pension Board
05.03.22 Approved Minutes

05.01.23 Agenda Pension Board
05.01.23 Approved Minutes

12.04.23 Agenda Pension Board

06.10.24 Agenda Pension Board

12.18.24 Agenda Pension Board

Local Pension Board currently filled

What is a local pension board?

A local pension board is a five-member board composed of Fire Board Chairman and two of his/her delegates, and two persons who are members of the system and are elected as local board members by the employees. Each employer has their own local board. The local boards have the authority to determine membership eligibility and payment of benefits, including eligibility for receipt of disability payments in accordance with the provisions of the retirement statutes.

Each local board shall be constituted as follows:

  • For fire districts organized pursuant to Section 48-803, the chief elected official of the fire district, or their designee as chairman; two lay members (one of whom is a resident of the district and one of whom has experience in personnel administration but who is not required to be a resident of the district); and two members (of the retirement system) elected by secret ballot by members employed by the fire district.

Designated Chairman: Jim Brouillette (term ending December 1, 2026)
(as designated by Fire Board Chairman Jeff Daniel)

Appointed Member: Barbara Cole (term ending December 1, 2024) appointed by Don Rountree. (Lay member who has experience in personnel administration but who is not required to be a resident of the district)

Appointed Member: Mike Colgan (term ending June 30, 2027)
(as appointed by Fire Board Pension Chairman Don Rountree)

Employee Elected Member: Captain Byrd (term ending June 2027)
Employee Elected Member: Captain Maxwell (term ending December 2027)